Hello and welcome to the Extrawellness®. My name is Afolake Adeyinka Oceans. I am a health consultant presently based in Lagos, NG.
I realized that at the end of the day, money is good but a good balance between money, wellness, and happiness is key to a better life.
Extrawellness® seeks to provide a healthier lifestyle for others through adopting the optimal wellness approach without the stress and the learning curve that I had.
Check back often so you won’t miss out on exciting new Posts to discover new Wellness Strategies to live a fuller, healthier and happier life and to interact with others who are passionate about improving their wellness.
Why Setup This Blog?
As cliche and corny as it sounds, the real goal with the blog is to turn it into a mega-resource center for the Home, for Health and for Frugality thus helping you “the readers” get a head start on your journey towards Optimal Wellness and to strive to live a life we love on a budget that we can afford.
How Can Extrawellness® Help You?
Healthy Living: Natural Remedies, Green Living tips plus Health/Wellness tips for Healthy Living and financial wellness from Extra Wellness
Home Ideas: Home Ideas and Gardening Tips for the real homemakers @Extrawellness
Fitness, Essential Oils, WeightLoss, and lots more!
Feel free to leave a comment on a particular post with any questions or if you have some extra insight on a particular post. I love hearing from our readers so also feel free to contact us anytime.
I hope you enjoy your time browsing this site and to interact with others who are passionate about improving their Health/ fitness and wellness as well.
— ->>> Flaky!