12 Best Essential Oils for Bone Pain

When it comes to treating bone pain, there are several numbers of ways and methods. That reduce the pain, inflammation, and the reoccurrences of the discomfort – and one example of this is by using essential oils.

For hundreds or even thousands of years, essential oils have been widely used around the world as natural remedies to treat bone and joint problems, reducing the discomfort, and make the healing process faster.

In this article, let’s dive deep into the world of essential oil and discover which one is the best for bone and joint pain.

12 Essential oils for bone pain

Krill essential oil

One unique capability of krill essential oil is that they can be beneficial for those with fractures especially cuboid bone fractures or syndromes as it helps in keeping the bone healthy, flexible, and improves steadiness and mobility as well.

This essential oil is also induced with omega3s DHA and EPA which are known for its healing ability and maintaining the joints and bones healthy.

Wintergreen essential oil

The Methyl Salicylate and Salicylic acid present in the wintergreen is the main compound that is responsible for a faster healing process. These two elements are the main ingredients in producing aspirin and commonly used as pain tonic by the Native Americans.

According to study, the essential oil extracted from wintergreen plant has a cortisone-like effect that can reduce discomfort and pain in a rapid way, thanks to its analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, wintergreen oil should never be consumed and may not be great for individuals with a history of epilepsy.

Eucalyptus essential oil

The aromatizing scent of eucalyptus oil is used in many slaves and balms for joint, bone, and muscle pain. This essential oil main capability is to increase the circulation in the blood vessel which brings a warm feeling to the applied area. In this way, it encourages healing by boosting the oxygenation of the blood.


Yarrow essential oil

The anti-inflammatory and healing properties found in Yarrow provides beneficial components for any joint, bone, or arthritic ailments. Combining it with other essential oils can boost its effectiveness for relieving pain and inflammation.

Peppermint essential oil

The natural muscle and joint discomfort relieving properties of peppermint make it in the list of essential oils not only for bone pain but for joint and muscle pain as well. The combination of peppermint oil and wintergreen oil can be beneficial for easing the arthritis discomfort.

Rosemary essential oil

The rosemary essential oil is an ideal choice for those with chronic pain. Thanks to its both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

It also helps in reducing muscle spasms and joint diseases, try adding this oil to your personal health regimen rather than switching up to another drug.

Sandalwood essential oil

Like the aforementioned rosemary oil, this Ayurvedic medicine is also used for treating muscle spasms, bone pain, sciatica, and lymph node congestion. It is also used for relieving irritation in skin most common, insect bites thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger essential oil

Another Ayurvedic treatment is the ginger. This oil has been shown to contain a chemical signal for pain sensation. With the substance called eicosanoids for relieving chronic pain among elderly people. It also decreases the intensity of stiffness and pain level as well as for improving physical function.

Birch essential oil

Like wintergreen, the birch essential oil also contains methyl salicylate and salicylic acid that are commonly used for producing commercial pain medications. This is a great workhorse for easing joint, muscle, and bone pain.

Marjoram essential oil

The Marjoram essential oil is known for its strong sedative properties. That are great for treating muscle spasms, arthritis pain, migraines, and stiffness. It is great for morning use as it relaxes involuntary muscle groups such as colon, diaphragm, and heart.

Turmeric oils

Most turmeric is also made into an essential oil for treating joint and bone pain, thanks to its curcumin component. The turmeric spices also boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and effective for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Clary Sage essential oils

The oil extracted from clary sage plant improves the blood circulation. Which also helps for producing healing cells to the area of bone or the joint injury.

A commonly used oil after a joint surgery for speeding up the process of healing and recovery.


These above-mentioned essential oils provide different powerful capabilities. Such as analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties that can aid not only for bone pain.

But they can also be beneficial for maintaining a healthy muscle, joints, and overall physical performance.

However, to avoid any adverse effect of some essential oils (especially those heat-producing ones). You need to conduct further research about the product to acquire proper instructions on how to use it.

So, take your time looking to the power of nature. It might give you an antidote for all your illnesses and bone pain.



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