Having a baby is one of the most magical experiences in a woman’s life. And, if your loved one is planning to step into the incredible world of motherhood, you will want to throw her the best baby shower. Are you looking for some easy baby decorations that won’t cost the earth and will also be useful for the new mother? Here are a bunch of ideas for you to take your pick.
1. Festoons with Onesies
One of the main features of a baby shower is most definitely a collection of onesies that range for babies aged a few weeks to a year. Using pretty clothespins, you can hang them up on a line around the room. Alternatively, set up a table with the cute onesies spread out displaying their pretty colors and patterns. Baby hangers are another must-have for a new mother. Use them to hang up the onesies on pegs or any other strategic spots around the room. And, there you have one of the best easy baby decorations.
In place of just clothes, you can add cute hats, booties, bibs, aprons, and tiny napkins with nursery print logos to add to the “adorable” factor.
2. Diaper Cake
Source: Jennifer Faris
If there’s one thing that new mothers never want to run out of – its diapers. And, the best way to have a whole bunch ready is to present them in the form of a cake. Roll up the pants and use some pretty ribbons and bows to build a multi-layered cake.
3. Edible Centerpiece made with Fruit
A lovely fruit salad makes an awesome centerpiece as a smart and easy baby decoration. Carve out a watermelon in the shape of a buggy with a hood. Scoop out the insides and fill them with the pulp cut in the form of cubes along with other chopped fruit to create an adorable yet edible fruit salad. The wheels can be made from orange slices while toothpicks can attach cherries to make the entire presentation colorful and memorable.
4. Warm Wishes Keepsakes for Mom
Here’s an easy baby decoration that you can get all your guests to join in. Buy a box of blank cards with matching colorful envelopes. Get your guests to put down a few lines with warm wishes for the new mother and her baby. You could also ask them to talk about a few practical tried-and-tested babycare tips that a clueless mom can use. Like, for example, how to quieten a baby who won’t stop crying.
String up the messages in their colorful envelopes into a festoon that your friend can cherish forever.
5. Bouquet with Baby Socks
Source: Morning Chores
A little creativity can go a long way in making the new mother smile. Take baby socks, for example. Roll them up into roses and pack them into a vase as a baby sock bouquet. Add a few pearl beads or sprigs of satin flowers and you have such a pretty easy baby decoration that your friend may not feel like opening at all.
This One’s For You, Mom!
Infant showers and easy baby decorations are no doubt all about gifts that the new mother can use for her baby. But, your friend is sure to appreciate a bunch of gifts that she can use for a spot of loving and pampering through the baby blues. Bring her a hamper with a bottle of her favorite bubble bath to ease the post-pregnancy aches and pains. Or, maybe, a coupon for a massage at the closest spa (you can always babysit for a few hours while she cashes the gift.)