Dragon Fruit Benefits – Goodness of the Peculiar-Looking Fruit

A native of the tropical and subtropical countries of Asia and South America, the dragon fruit or mangosteen has an outer skin that resembles a cactus. Because of the scaly appearance, the fruit acquired the name dragon fruit. Also known as pitahaya and strawberry pear, the fruit has a sweet white pulp with black seeds. Despite its peculiar appearance, dragon fruit benefits your body thanks to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, along with powerful antioxidants. All of these features make the fruit a super food for your skin and body. And, the awesome fact is that it is freely available all over the world.

Dragon Fruit Benefits – Rich Antioxidant Content

Research shows that the root cause of many diseases that humans get is the result of free radicals in the body. These toxins cause inflammation and oxidative stress on the body cells. Not only do they weaken your immune system leaving you vulnerable to diseases, but they also cause changes in your DNA. As a result, the DNA develop mutations and eventually, cancer.

Eating dragon fruit regularly can help you prevent the damage from toxins thanks to the antioxidants it contains. These compounds negate the effects of the toxins and keep you free from diseases. Some of the key antioxidants the fruit contains are vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamates that fight cancer, and betalains that prevent the oxidation of the bad LDL cholesterol in your body. Do keep in mind that antioxidants work best when your body absorbs them from fruits and vegetables, but not in supplement form.

Dragon Fruit Benefits for Your Health

Keeps Your Digestive System Healthy

The high fiber content in dragon fruit is in the form of nondigestible carbohydrates. This fiber can help the easy movement of food through your digestive tract helping prevent the risk of colon cancer. By consuming adequate fiber, you can lose weight since the fiber makes you feel full and satiated with less food. A healthy digestive system with an active metabolism can also prevent heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Dragon fruit can make all that happen for you especially since it also contains prebiotics that contribute to the healthy flora in your gut. This flora like lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria help break down the food in your gut so your body can absorb the vital nutrients more easily.

Helps Control Diabetes

Consuming dragon fruit can help you control diabetes since it boosts your metabolism levels. Not only can it satisfy your cravings for something sweet, but it also improves your body’s response to insulin. By preventing the metabolic syndrome, dragon fruit can prevent spikes in your blood glucose levels.

Boosts Heart Health

The many nutrients that dragon fruit contains make it an excellent food for keeping your heart healthy. Some of these nutrients include vitamin C, lycopene, and beta-carotene. In addition, the antioxidants keep cholesterol levels in check while the monosaturated fats strengthen the functioning of your heart muscles.

Keeps Your Skin Young and Ageless

The antioxidants in dragon fruit can do wonders for your skin by preserving the collagen and elastin. You’ll notice fewer signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. If you have hair loss, consider using the pulp or juice of the fruit as a hair mask or conditioner for great results. Applications of the pulp on your skin can also give you relief from acne and sunburns.

Prevents Anemia

Anemic people can eat dragon fruit regularly to replenish the levels of iron in their blood. Iron creates hemoglobin that carries oxygen to the cells of your body and maintains proper functioning. An added positive is that the fruit also contains vitamin C that helps your body absorb the iron.

Dragon fruit benefits your skin and body in many different ways making it the ideal food for a healthy life.


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Health-promoting bioactivities of betalains from red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton and Rose) peels as affected by carbohydrate encapsulation.

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