Top 5 Amazing Marshmallow Root Uses

You wouldn’t believe how many amazing marshmallow root uses there are! And, no, we aren’t talking about those sweet white pillowy treats. Marshmallow is actually a plant with an incredibly powerful root.

Here are our top amazing marshmallow root uses.

What Is Marshmallow?

Officially called althaea officinalis, this plant is grown all over Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. It is considered to be a medicinal plant and it has been used to cure a wide range of conditions since way back to ancient Egyptian times.

How Does Marshmallow Root Work?

Marshmallow root is a powerful natural cure because it creates a protective layer that prevents irritation. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that taking marshmallow root can reduce pain and swelling in nasal passages as well as in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the lining of the digestive system, in the additional to countless other incredible benefits.

Amazing marshmallow root uses: Coughs and Colds

Got a sore throat and a cough? Take marshmallow root orally as a pain killer and to reduce swelling and congestion. You’ll see marshmallow root in many cough syrups and throat lozenges, but it’s even more effective to go directly to the potent source by taking supplements or making marshmallow root tea.

Amazing marshmallow root uses: Bacterial Infections

Because marshmallow root reduces pain and swelling in nasal passages and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it is effective in treating tonsillitis and bronchitis. When you’re feeling ill, take marshmallow root supplements or use power to make tea.

Amazing marshmallow root uses: Kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections

When you take marshmallow root, it increases the secretion and flow of urine. This helps your body push bacteria out of your urinary tract to relieve the symptoms of both kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Amazing marshmallow root uses: Improved Digestion

Tea made from marshmallow root is a powerful digestive aid. It can prevent and reduce heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation by creating a protective coating within the stomach.

Amazing marshmallow root uses: Mouth Ulcers and Canker Sores

Marshmallow root can also be used to create a protective and soothing barrier inside of your mouth. Make some tea (see recipe below) and then swish it around your mouth for instant relief.

How to Make Marshmallow Root Tea

Ready for an incredible and all natural cure? Here’s how to make your own powerful marshmallow root tea at home.

What You’ll Need:

  • One jar with a lid (any size)
  • Warm water
  • Marshmallow root
  • Strainer
  • Time (overnight)

Step One: Add marshmallow root to jar

If you buy pure marshmallow root, fill the jar about 1/4 of the way full. If you’re using powder, go for 1 TBSP per cup of water.

Step Two: Add water

Boil water and then let it cool until it’s just lukewarm. Anything hotter can damage the marshmallow roots and give you less than ideal results.

Step Three: Shake it up

Gently shake the jar to get a good mixture.

Step Four: Leave it

Stick the closed jar in the fridge overnight to let the leaves soak into the water for a potent tea blend.

Step Four: Strain it

In the morning (or whenever you get to it), just stain the mix and you’ll have a nice glass of ice tea in front of you. If you like, you can add honey or mint to enhance the taste.

Tip- You can find both marshmallow root tea as well as marshmallow root and leaf tea for sale in natural food shops and on Amazon. Popular brands often add it to their mixes too, in picks like Pukka Organic Herbal Tea Relax tea, which features chamomile fennel and marshmallow root.

Where Can I Buy Marshmallow Root?

Despite all of the amazing marshmallow root uses, you probably won’t find it on every shelf in your town. It is, however, very easy to track down on Amazon in a few different forms.

One popular pick is Nature’s Way Marshmallow Root. From a trusted brand, this herbal vegetarian capsule option can even be opened up and dropped into hot water to make tea.

You can also get the power form with Bulksupplements Pure Marshmallow Root Extract Powder. This 100% pure mix is perfect for those taking daily marshmallow root supplements.

For a liquid option, there’s Nature’s Answer Alcohol-Free Marshmallow Root. This pure premium quality stuff is great for using alone or blended into other recipes.

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